Test and Go Thailand |
Test and Go Thailand | Looking for: U.S. Entry Requirements - Check to see if you can get a rapid PCR test Click here to ENTER How can I continue to submit the records? Any email? Please contact your Day 1 hotel or your current hotel to assist you navigate the app. Hi, me and my friends are planing 8 days trip to Bangkok and Phuket 1st 2 days in Bangkok and the rest for the days in Phuket and on the last day we come to Bangkok for return flight and leave back to India do we need to take RTPCR test in Phuket or the 5th day ATK test is fine? We are traveling from Singapore to Bangkok on 2 to 5 May. We are fully vaccinated. Do I still need to do a PCR test when we arrive? Again, how much the saliva test for kid? Dear sir. Today I asked thaipass teat and go QR cored. But not to have time be my Departure. Please help ma get QR cord soon as Possible. Our government issued recovery certificate will come 10 days after test, so on April Is that sufficient to be released from q...